One of the major reasons that your travel business is not attracting the dream customers is the graphics and content. Within the first few seconds of analyzing the visuals and content of the travel business, the potential customers will make former thoughts or ideas about the travel brand and decide if they want to further interact with or not. The travel business only gets this one chance to make the first impression of the travel brand, a great one. The travel agents can attract more customers with visuals and graphics if they pay enough attention to this domain.
Tips to Attract Customers with Visuals
When it comes to visual branding, travel businesses often fall victim to thinking that a great product or service with satisfied customers is enough to keep the travel business on track. But that’s not it, it is also important to know how to use visuals to represent the travel business. Investing in visual branding and design will make all the difference when the travel companies are trying to flourish and grow their business. Moreover, as per the research, 59% of potential customers choose a travel brand based on the good visuals and 45% of customer retention is based on this aspect as well.
Be Consistent in Branding
If you want to know effective tips to prepare a marketing plan for the travel business, it is important to pay more attention to visual branding. Make the logo of the travel brand more attractive and informative as per the company name. Have one version of the logo and use it everywhere including website, emails, blog, social media, signage, print material, etc. It is important to have consistent visuals to avoid confusion and have more customer retention. By doing so, the potential customers will see the logo several times before actually getting in touch with the travel brand and recognize it easily. If the travel agents update or do modifications to their logo, it is crucial to make sure that the updated logo is present on all the platforms.
Keep the Website Simple
If you want to know how to enhance the online presence of the travel business, it is important to have a simplified and interactive travel website. Although most of the travel agents think that putting more packages and tabs on the website will make it more appealing to the customers, that’s not the truth. It will only make the travel website look more confusing and difficult to navigate through which can irritate the customers. Nowadays, the target audience only seeks simplicity in the design and friendly functionality of the website. Stock each page of the website with interactive and attractive visuals but don’t go overboard. It is also important to update the travel website with the latest and trendy visuals to keep the customers engaged and ensure customer retention.
Don’t Overlook the Content
However the logo and the website are the primary places where it is important to ensure consistent visual branding, the content also plays a great role to hook up the customers with great graphics. The travel website design suggests having the relevant content with the graphics so that the customer can easily understand the message associated with it. Around 40% of travel businesses have stated that the original graphics like infographics drive the best engagement in content along with the videos and representations, charts and data visualization, stock photography, and GIFs and memes. The more diversified the visuals a travel company can introduce, the better customer engagement it can have. Also, analyze which type of graphics your target audience is liking the most and plan accordingly.
Keep Social Media Visually Updated
One of the best tips to enhance the social media presence of the travel business is to make it visually rich and engaging. As people tend to scroll social media feeds, it is the visuals that deliberately make them stop on a brand. Also, make sure that the posts you share on social media are relevant to the travel business and give a clear message about the travel brand its services. Keep your social media updated with the latest trends and post more frequently. Don’t forget to refresh your social media cover photos and promote the marketing campaign from time to time.
It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but it becomes specifically true when it comes to attract more customers with visuals and graphics. Find a balance between the travel business and visuals that the potential customers are preferring and keep it consistent with the perfect spice of the latest trend.
Have you ever felt like you are attracting the wrong customers and irrelevant leads to your travel business or not attracting potential clients? Well, it can happen with various travel businesses for so many reasons. It doesn’t mean that the business is doomed or it will not be able to retain the dream customers. Over time the travel business will evolve as per the industry norms, the skill will get improvised, and it also can able to identify the pain areas of the customers.